Soft Contact Lens Insertion & Removal

Soft Contact Lens Insertion & Removal

Soft Contact Lens Insertion

  • ​​​​​​Always wash and dry your hands before handling contact lenses.

  • Always insert and remove your contacts over the sink — that way, if you accidentally drop a lens, you'll be able to find it easier. Just make sure to plug the sink!

  • Pour the right lens and storage solution from the case into your palm. It's good to get in the habit of always working with the right lens first, just to avoid mix-ups.

  • Make sure your fingers are clean and dry. Soft contacts tend to stick to wet fingers.

  • Place the right lens on the tip of the index finger of your dominant hand.

  • Using the middle finger of your other hand, pull and hold your upper eyelids open, so you cannot blink.

  • ​​​​​​​Pull down your lower eyelid, using the middle finger of your inserting hand.

  • Look up and place the lens gently on the lower white part of your eye. Or, look straight at the lens, and place it directly on the center of your eye.

  • Look down to position the lens correctly.

  • Release your eyelid, and close your eye for a moment. Repeat these instructions to insert your left contact lens.

Soft Contact Lens Removal

  • Always wash and dry your hands before handling contact lenses.

  • Always insert and remove your contacts over the sink – that way, if you accidentally drop a lens, you'll be able to find it easier. Just make sure to plug the sink!

  • Start with your right eye again, for consistency's sake. Have your lens case open and ready, with fresh contact lens solution waiting.

  • Make sure the lens is centered on your eye. If your eye feels particularly dry, insert a few rewetting drops to lubricate your lens before removal.

  • As you look up, pull your lower eyelid down with the middle finger of your inserting hand.

  • Use your index finger to slide the lens down to the lower white part of your eye.

  • Gently squeeze the lens between your thumb and index finger, and remove it from your eye.

  • Rinse the lens with contact solution, and put it into your lens case.

  • Repeat for your left eye, and you're done!

Do's & Don'ts


  • Always wash your hands before handling contact lenses.

  • Carefully and regularly clean contact lenses, as directed by your optometrist. If recommended, rub the contact lenses with fingers and rinse thoroughly before soaking lenses overnight in sufficient multi-purpose solution to completely cover the lens.

  • Store lenses in the proper lens storage case and replace the case at a minimum of every three months. Clean the case after each use and keep it open and dry between cleanings.

  • Only fresh solution should be used to clean and store contact lenses. Never Re-use old solution. Contact lens solution must be changed according to the manufacturer's recommendations, even if the lenses are not used daily.

  • Always follow the recommended contact lens replacement schedule prescribed by your optometrist.

  • Remove contact lenses before swimming or entering a hot tub.

  • Avoid tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.

  • See your optometrist for your regularly scheduled contact lens and eye examination.

  • Remove contact lenses at least two hours before bedtime


  • Use cream soaps. They can leave a film on your hands that can transfer to the lenses.

  • Use homemade saline solutions. Improper use of homemade saline solutions has been linked with a potentially blinding condition among soft lens wearers.

  • Put contact lenses in your mouth or moisten them with saliva, which is full of bacteria and a potential source of infection.

  • Use tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.

  • Share lenses with others.

  • Use products not recommended by your optometrist to clean and disinfect your lenses. Saline solution and rewetting drops are not designed to disinfect lenses.

  • Sleep in contact lenses

  • Wear contacts when you are sick with a cold or flu.

  • Wear contact lenses if your eyes are red or irritated.

For More Information and Our Contact Lens Insertion and Removal Video, Please Visit

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