Why Scleral Contact Lenses Might Be the Right Choice for You: What You Need to Know

When it comes to vision correction, you have a multitude of options, and it's important that each one is considered in the light of your specific needs and lifestyle. However, one option that might not be as well-known as others is the use of scleral lenses. These specialized lenses are not just another type of contact lens; they have unique properties that set them apart from the standard soft or hard lenses you might be familiar with.

What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are a type of gas-permeable contact lens that are larger than traditional contact lenses. Unlike the smaller corneal lenses that sit directly on your cornea, scleral lenses rest on the sclera, which is the white part of your eye. This design means that the lens arches over the cornea without actually touching it, creating a tear-filled vault that can be particularly soothing for your eyes.

These lenses are made of high-quality, breathable materials that allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea, which is essential for maintaining corneal health and comfort. The size of scleral lenses generally ranges from 14.5mm to 24mm in diameter, as opposed to the 9mm to 14mm diameter of traditional lenses. This larger size can be beneficial for stabilizing the lens on your eye, making them less likely to dislodge during daily activities.

Common Eye Conditions Addressed by Scleral Lenses

Many individuals turn to scleral lenses when they have specific eye conditions that make the use of traditional contact lenses uncomfortable or ineffective. Scleral lenses can be particularly beneficial for those with irregular corneas, such as those resulting from keratoconus, a condition where the cornea thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape, distorting vision.

Dry eye syndrome is another condition that scleral lenses can address effectively. The tear reservoir created between the lens and the cornea can keep your eyes moist and comfortable, even when your own tear production is insufficient. This can be a game-changer for those who struggle with persistent dryness and discomfort.

Scleral lenses can also be a solution for those who have undergone corneal transplants or refractive surgery, such as LASIK, and have experienced issues with fit or comfort with other lenses. The customized fit of scleral lenses ensures that they can accommodate the unique contours of post-surgical eyes, providing clear vision without irritation.

The Benefits of Scleral Lenses

The advantages of scleral lenses extend far beyond their ability to address specific eye conditions. One of the most significant benefits you may experience is enhanced visual clarity. The rigid material of the lenses, combined with their custom fit, can correct a wide range of refractive errors, leading to sharper, more precise vision.

In addition to improved sight, the comfort provided by scleral lenses is often unmatched. Their design minimizes the risk of irritation because they do not sit directly on the cornea, which can be sensitive. This makes them an excellent option for those with sensitive eyes or for individuals who require prolonged lens wear, such as those with demanding jobs or lifestyles.

Lastly, the durability of scleral lenses is worth mentioning. Because they are made of high-quality, gas-permeable materials, they can last significantly longer than soft lenses, often up to a year or more with proper care. This longevity can not only be cost-effective in the long run but also reduces the hassle of frequently replacing lenses.

Are Scleral Lenses Right for You?

Deciding if scleral lenses are the right option for your vision correction needs is a decision that should be made with careful consideration and professional guidance. They offer a range of benefits that could provide you with superior comfort and clarity, especially if you suffer from certain eye conditions where other lenses fall short.

It's crucial to consult with an eye care professional who has experience with scleral lenses. They can evaluate your eyes, discuss your specific needs, and determine whether these lenses could improve your quality of life. With their expert help, you can try scleral lenses and see the difference for yourself.

For more information on scleral lenses or to determine if these lenses are the right solution for your visual needs, visit Southwest Orlando Eye Care at our office in Orlando, Florida. Please call or text (407) 271-8931 to schedule an appointment today.

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